A Writer Writes

     I hum along, thinking, “I have myself underway! This is great! I’m creating, I’m writing, I’m enjoying time with my dogs and husband and …” Then my path forks. Yeah I know, this happens to everyone. So this is my mini story. 

     I spent an entire year just trying to wrap my head around so much free time just for the purpose of creating and writing! That was hard! Harder than I ever expected it to be.

     I did manage some sort of a routine. You know the drill: Get up, get coffee, play with the dogs and then park myself at my desk and write some. Then I discovered web design. This very website was born, mangled, reborn, crashed, reborn etc.. I was learning. I finally got to a point where I made the promise to myself I would write a blog post every week. Then I amended that to, I will write a blog post every week starting in December, because I wanted to concentrate my effort on NaNoWriMo. Did that happen? I managed 10,000 words.

     I also managed to end my year of unemployment.

     The fork. I now make coffee part time.

     That threw a monkey wrench in my creative schedule! It also totally interfered with my Nano novel. Hence 10k only. So now what?

     Well, I designed another website.

     Ok, I’m in the process of doing that. In my year of unfettered creative freedom, I managed to learn that I love watercolor painting. Therefore, I am hoping to take my year of creative license and make calendars. I will publicize the new website, when I am done processing it, (You know mangle, crash, revive repeat.) I am also hoping this will return me to my work from home status, and making coffee for me and my husband rather than the rest of the world.

     I also plan to resume my weekly blog habit, starting with this post. Wish me luck, perseverance and lack of procrastination (My worst enemy!) Till next week, and in the words of my Great Grandfather, Grandpappy “Peace and Goodwill.”  



Let me know what you think? Questions?