
A Writer Writes

The Scriptorium

     I have tried many different things with this website, except keep it simple. So now I am going to try that.

    I have learned that I do not blog well. Finding engaging topics to write about feels like small talk to me. Again something I do not do well.

Therefore, I will stick with what I like to do.  Writing stories.

My Blog

Click the image to navigate to the blog

     Currently my blog is dedicated to an episodic tale I call “Grass Dragons do Exist!” It has a twofold purpose. First it is meant to be a story of four kids. Second, it is helping me compile a compendium of mythological creatures, fairy tales and myths. I don’t like reading dry, dull research, so I will create my own encyclopedia via a fun tale. For my other stories, it will serve as reference when I need to do research.


The Writer's Prompt

Click the image to navigate to the Writer's prompt page

    The Writer’s Prompt is meant to inspire those who say, “I want to be a writer but I don’t know how to get started.” or possibly think “I want to write, but what do I write about?” or “I am a writer, but I’m fresh out of ideas today. It’s also for anyone who just wants to practice their skill and have someone else read what they have written.

    The following links will take you to the websites, where I spend most of my time. Come se what I get up to!

Click the image below to head over to my Zazzle store: Artist by Accident.

Artist_by_Accident Zazzle Shop

Click the image below for my Substack Site:

Substack Link

I spend a lot of time with my very supportive writers group. Click the image below for The Writers Co-op.

Writer's Co-op Link

Enjoy my Art Blog Here: (Click the image below)

Artist by Accident Blog